Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday already

Where did the week go? I worked three days, drove Connor to conditioning for hockey all week, helped with homework, survived meltdowns from both my children about how much homework they have. Of course we all need to get used to being up early and spending the day at work or school. My question is why, if kids work all day at school do they need a ton of homework, after I put in my day at the lab, the last thing I want is to go home and do 3 hours of lab work at night?? The night of Sarah's meltdown, she had 50 math questions, some had more than one part, Social studies and french homework. She has 70 min classes, is that not enough time?? Sorry, I am not knocking the teachers, it's the system just as the health care system has huge problems since the almighty dollar became the number one concern. That's my beef this morning.

Just wondering what everyone is taking for classes at scrap gala??? I am taking:

I Woman with Kah Mei Sat @ 1230-530

Travel Notes with Carol Wingert Sun @ 930

Clearly Listed with Kah Mei Sun @ 1230

I did not order and extra kits, thought I would see the projects first then maybe they would still have a few extra to sell. Only taking the four classes, cause I want to have some time to relax and just hang out.

Really looking forward to book club Tues night to see everyone. Can't believe I miss that bunch of cry babies!!


Taryn said...

Josee, I was thinking the other day how much I missed the cry babies, too!

What is your 4th only listed 3. I too, am taking the travel one, clearly listed, family mantel,and....and...crap.I can't remember the 4th.

See you it a toonie for each project not done or a toonie for the whole lot???

Josee said...

Taryn, the class on Sat with KaiMeh, "I woman" counts as 2 because it is 4 hours.
And I think it is a max of $2 no matter what you did not have done.

Just Plain Happy said...

Your pictures are beautiful, Josee and should be entered in photo contests!!! Get on that, will you? Can't wait til you are all here, in my humble abode. Mental note, pick up kleenex! I'll tell you which classes and kit I signed up for onTuesday night. Too many gasps in the universe, can't be good!

Jill MacDonald said...

Hey...Sarah's teeth are looking great already! She must be thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Josee' cry babies today!!!
It's a twoonie for EACH project not done :o)
I have signed up for I woman, lessons learned, clearly listed, the firm, & tina's mini book ( can't rememeber the name)... you know me I want to absorb it all & didn't want kits to bring home & not do!!! This wil be my last big away for scrapbooking UNTIL I find Ali somewhere...that is my dream.
The whole homework thing is such a drag.... With Alex & Scott we made the shift in grade 10... do your own thing... it woked really well for Alex, Scott struggled but it was a good lesson for him... doing much better this year so far... So unless you are going for the Governor General's medal or the top scollarships, RELAX a little... life is short & when they move on, you want more memories than homework! I say set the timer for 1 hour, anyomore than that they aren't learning anything!!!! Talk to the Teachers. You will love my project tonight!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Josee, Happy Birhday to you ,have you caught up to me yet??? Hope it's spectacular just like you !!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that you caught my Happy Birthday yell when Cathy phoned you!!!!!!!!
Homework, what can I say! There are so many theories about what is best. I know your position.
Do what works for your children and your family!!!!!!!!!
We only go through life once-try to keep it happy for everyone-you are such a great mom that you will figure out what works for all of you.
Do talk with the teachers to discuss your concerns. Sometimes, we really don't know how stressed the kids and the parents are until someone says something!!!!!!!
A good teacher will not take it as a negative, but will try to reflect on the situation.
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...