Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog Banner

Found this blog and wondered why no one ever updates it, then remembered it was mine! Oops. The banner says "Harmony" in Chinese. Anyone know how to make the banner pic smaller so it actually fits better. I think I am still in the January fog, even though it is Feb. I will upload some pics later today and actually post.


melissa said...

It's GREAT! you need to make it smaller in photoshop :) open it up and resize it, should work! good to see you back, at least for today!


Taryn said...

Been wondering how you are...are you still on vacation?

Back in the valley said...

OMG! My sister actually blogged!! Love Annie

Kathryn said...

I know you must be absent from blogging because you're working tirelessly on your book club homework!

Why aren't there more hours in a day and why do we need to sleep?

Amy said...

Lovin' the banner, Josee! Glad to see you we want more!! hehehe!

Angie said...

I am sure, like is hard to blog from the rink!!!! ha ha

Anonymous said...

K...Im not so nice...where are those pictures you promised. If you took on of you, Annie and Mom when you were in Halifax can you post it. Thanks

Love your favorite sister