Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rite of passage

It is official, Sarah has her beginners licence. It only took 2 1/2 hours at dept of motor vehicles. What a pathetic set up for writing beginners test. But she did it and is very excited. Congrats Sarah.


Taryn said...

Hooray, Sarah!
Lovely new headline photo, Josee!

Back in the valley said...

OMG!!! AGH!!! Freaked out here!!!

The valley roads will never be the carefully!

Love Auntie Annie

Paulette said...

Freedom panic's hard to let the butterflies spread their wings ! Congrats to both of you!

Just Plain Happy said...

Congrats Sarah!
What a big MILESTONE in your life.

Josee, hang in won't be long and you'll be wondering how you all lived without Sarah running errands, taking Connor to sports events and scooting out to pick up those forgotten grocery items. LOL!