Monday, May 12, 2008

"Better than all the rest"

That's what Tina Turner says in her song, and this is who the song is about! (Well for our family anyway) We were lucky enough to be able to spend the day with Mom. What an example as a Mother. Thank you. I made her a movie with some pics of her when she was little (so cute) and my Grandmother and my sisters and I when we were little (so cute too) and then random pics through the last few years of all of us and the kids. Why when you put pictures to music do they really seem to come to life and make us cry like babies. It was a good day. Love you Mom!


Angie said...

What program do you use for your videos? I have Creater 10 sitting on the floor beside me waiting to get installed!! It's right next to my dvd burner!

Love the sunset pic....You sure you don't live in Paradise?

Love the story of Conner and the panhandler...I have to admit that I am definately one of those people who just asume he is a drunk or crack head looking for drug money...or I simple say why should we be out working for a living and handing money to people who are too lazy to get a job....I wish I had eyes like a child.

Josee said...

I usr Power Producer, it came with my digital camcorder, really easy to use.

Just Plain Happy said...

How lucky is your Mom to have a wonderful daughter like you who appreciates who she is and all she has done. Happy Mother's Day to you, Josee!

Anonymous said...

happy day to you & cherish those moments with your Mom as I know you already do :o)