Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Busy week.

Home tonight from Halifax at 6:00 from Connor's hockey camp. He is having a great time and working hard. We are staying in with Jill at the Holiday Inn tomorrow night. It will be a great way to break up the driving back and forth. Trying to get caught up in the house tonight. Laundry never ceases to amaze me. I am looking forward to some down time next week. Here are some photos of my pots out front as I think no post is complete without a few photos.
Angie, you asked about the challenge for book club. Here it is:
The challenge: I was very nervous about this part of hosting. But, then I realized being first had its advantages…………..I don’t have to host after Myleta! (:-) So, back to the challenge, you knew it would have to be about photography right. I want us to share a place that is special to each of us. It could be our homes, yards or a place you like to spend time or visit. The catch is to pick one spot and imagine you are standing in a hulla hoop. You can only take photos from inside the hoop. You can take the photos standing, sitting, laying down, from any angle, trying to show different perspectives. You can take the photos at different times of the day to use the lighting more effectively. Or even on different days, but always the same spot. Share these in a layout, mini album or an entire full album, however you want. Can’t wait to share!

Bonus: take the math cards and make something with them. Alter them any way you want, be creative.


Taryn said...

Have fun with Jill, guys!

Angie said...

Thats so cool. My photography teacher did this trick with the idea of standing in one spot and taking pics...great idea!!!
I was the first to make a challenge too. I'll post on my blog just so I can have something to blog about!!! lol

Just Plain Happy said...

I know what/where I'm taking my pics. Great idea, Josee! This is why I LOVE BC- it challenges you to use your imagination, think of things you normally wouldn't and hang out with THE BEST OF THE BEST!