Friday, January 26, 2007

Here we are in, can you guess......London, in front of the Tower Bridge. Pretty cool. That was way back in Oct and it seems like so long ago now. I am in the process of putting together all our photos, imagine having 3 cameras over there, we have hundreds of photos. (note: the bad hair is because I could not plug in my flat iron!!!) I feel like working on this because I went to a class at Two Much Fun, my favorite store today. A card making class, and when I leave there I always feel so inspired. I don't know how Paulette and Ria can continually create the projects they do. What ever the magic they have makes me want to keep scrapbooking and spending more money. Now for all those looking for words of wisdom (Ria)
If a kid isn't paying attention, maybe it's because the person talking isn't saying anything worth listening to.
From "Really Important Stuff my Kids have Taught Me!"


Jill MacDonald said...

My friend Josee has a dah, do friend Josee has a blog...oh do dah day!


Taryn said...

Yay Josee! 'Way cool :)
Another blog to add to my daily read!

Angie said...

Josee I missed you at the magnetic board day at two much fun! I am sure you heard all about it, and now with all this new technology we don't even have to speek to eachother, we can just type. Hope to see you before Moncton trip.

Just Plain Happy said...

Can't wait to see your albumssssss..... of your trip! PLEASE bring them to Book club to show and share!

PS Love your tite-We Live in Haromony! So very cool!