Monday, January 22, 2007

I finally did it! A Blog. One of my resolutions for 2007, and actually the only resolution I have attempted. But that is true for most resolutions right? It is so cold today, -29 with the wind chill. A good day to stay at home and look after a sick boy. Connor has some kind of flu, you know the vomitting and really bad headache kind. What can I say he is truly a man! If you know what I mean. He is so cuddly when he is sick and I am worried about catching it from him. We spent the weekend in Pictou, Connor had 2 hockey games. The team they were playing has only lost two games all year so we were not expecting very close games. But the boys pulled together as a team finally and won both games 4-2. Connor even hit the post on Sun when he got moved up to forward. He is still waiting for that first goal this season, hard to do when you are defense. Sarah went to Moncton with two of her friends to their hockey tournament. She had a great time and came back tired. The highlight of her weekend was being in the hot tub at the hotel with Taylor Crosby, Sydney Crosby's sister. She would have rather it was Sydney. My boy is calling I better go see him.

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