Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is it just me....

...............or are the trees more spectacular this fall? I find driving around this past week, the colors in the tress takes my breath away. Last night we had book club in Lawrencetown at Amy's. Driving the back way there is a little hill you come over and you can see the Church in Lawrencetown in the distance and with all the tress it was such a pretty picture. Of course I did not have my camera with me. We had a great time at Amy's, she has a really "cool" old house. Debbie loved the little doors upstairs and tiny rooms that all connect. At one point we were all hanging out in Amy's bedroom like a bunch of teenagers she was showing us her jewelry. Thanks Amy for having us. The kids both have their last school soccer games today. Jeff will take Sarah to hers and I am taking Connor. Tomorrow I am off to Halifax with four girls from work. Should be lots of laughing I'm sure. Friday I am back to work until Mon and will miss Connor's hockey game in Truro on Sat. I did take my camera this morning when I went to the grocery store. Some pictures you may have to look at sideways because the computer would not let me turn them around. Don't know why. Okay, so apparently I cannot upload any pictures right now, so I will do it later. But let me tell you they are spectacular!!!!!!!!!!


Taryn said...

I think I say the same thing to myself every year, is like I need to be reminded of how spectacular the season is. Funny thing, tho...the big maple that is on my front lawn is orange this year. last year it was yellow! So perhaps the trees ARE more spectacular this year :)

Jill MacDonald said...

I am sorry that I missed Amy's...I REALLY want to see her house - it looks so cool!

Oh, and've been TAGGED!
See my blog for more...

Just Plain Happy said...

Funny how you notice that a particular tree turns a certain color. There is a tree near home I admire every year for its spectacular red color, this year it turned yellow!

Anonymous said...

We have maple trees up our driveway that we planted 15 years ago... now they actually look like maples.. This year they are the brightest I have seen them... so are the honeycrisp.... we must have had a lot more sun!!! Life is full of wonder & awe when we take the time to notice.... I can't wait to see your pics!!!