Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Storm Day!

The kids were happy today, no school, also means no dance class tonight and I am not driving to Digby for hockey practice so we can stay home the entire day. Love it! Connor cooked bacon for breakfast, so I did the eggs and had a nice big feed together. Right now they are outside pulling each other with the snowmobile and the gt's. Life is pretty rough. Here is a photo I took yesterday morning at the farm. I love this tree with the old hay bine for some reason. I want to have family pictures taken there in the summer. Also, wanted to show you how dark it is for Sarah when she catches the bus. Can you see her? Have a good one, back to the bookwork! EDITED: Sarah is on the bus at 7:09 am. We both hate getting up at 6!


cpm said...

I totally CAN'T see her! What a sin!
Total fun on the GT's! Love it!
Glad you are back to blogging!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I saw something in that DARK picture! Before you know it it will be that already beautiful young lady smiling with no braces.The snowmobile looks like MAYBE it goes the speed I LIKE!!!!!
Make the best of the rest of the day!

Taryn said...

Glad you were able to enjoy the day :)
I like that pic of the haybine, too.

Angie said...

The tree pic is gorgeous!!! The first thing I was thinking was that I would like family pics there too...then I kept reading and thought, wow, great minds think alike eh?
What time is it when your daughter gets on the bus? Thats scandelous!