Monday, June 4, 2007

My husband is having an affair........

............with the weather person. He listens to the weather on the radio, on the weather network, and on the phone. Then he goes outside and none of them are ever completely right. I think it would be a great to predict the weather, because you can be 100% wrong and you never lose your job. Kidding, I do think it is amazing in this day and age that one thing you can always count on is Mother nature does what she wants and does it when she wants. We have no control. I am supposed to be doing office work for the farm. So I better get to it.


Angie said...

My husband has been seeing the weather person too. He told me recently that he is ending it because they don't know sh*#. I agree!!!! Ever heard of a window? thatis the only way to predict weather in NS. lol

Just Plain Happy said...

OMG! She must be busy AND GOOD! Mine too! He listens, heads off to shingle a roof, then comes back home because, well, it is raining, SHE said it was supposed to be sunny... I'm sorry, but if I made THAT many mistakes? Actually, I am glad we can't really predict the weather because if we could we might then be able to change it..Haven't WE screwed up enough things already?

Anonymous said...

Ok, is this a guy thing or a guy work related thing!?!? It's crazy!!!!!! There are days I wish there was no TV weather, no Agricuture phone line, No radio broacast weather, no no no no no ... then there is the actual weather .... If you want to see a grown man cry, just spray $$$$$ worth of chemical on a friut tree or two & have it 1. not work because there is no rain or 2. not work because there is rain... Gosh I love farming some days!!!!!

Donna's chitchat said...

Well, I guess I have to join the club of weather widows. We are a little more high tech... I am ashamed to say. We have a laptop in the livingroom that is constantly on the weather (sitting under the window)... he has a little computer icon thing on the other 2 computers in the house that constantly updates and the kids bought him a $100 weather station for your house that sits next to the laptop... tells you if its raining or not. oh and the temperature and wheather its windy or not. Sadly, it sits right next to the 5'x7' picture window, which also has a "weather stick" nailed to the outside of the window...which points up if its sunny out, and down if its raining........... do I qualify as a weather widow?