Saturday, June 9, 2007

Sorry it's been so long..

..since I posted. I'll post about us tomorrow. Today, I want to post the links to 2 videos. The first is a video, someone made to honor the Canadian troops who have paid the ultimate price. Maybe some have seen it. Unfortunately, they have to keep updating it.
The link is: go to the bottom of the page and click on the first movie.
The second movie was made by a 15 year old girl in the US, it is American soldiers but it is very powerful and worth watching.
The link is:
Having seen these it has reminded me how important it is to support these men and women. I will get a red t-shirt for Fridays and support the troops, we may not agree with Bush and why they are there, but these men and women are doing their jobs and we need to thank them.


cpm said...

Where are the pictures of the adorable little white bunny who's always running late???? Did you get the puke kid on video lol!
What a nightmare?!? The joys of being a teacher!

Jill MacDonald said...

Amen to that...

Angie said...

Greatreminder for us living in the "safety" of our homes to remember to think about those soldiers who are out there fighting for our freedoms and for the freedoms of others....

On another note...Who's the puke kid?