Monday, March 12, 2007

March Break....gotta love it!

So March break is in full swing. Annie and her family are down from Hlfx. Today we are going to watch Cole in the skill competition for hockey in G'wood. The the Morse's are taking on the MacKinnon's at the bowling alley. Connor has hockey practice at 330 and then supper at mom's. Wanted to go coasting but Mike broke his arm coasting when he was a kid and still has issues with it. So we'll go tomorrow when he is working.
Just wondering if any of the locals here would know where I could buy a 2 packs of those really big decks of cards that the almost blind people use???? Thanks, I have a project in mind for them.


Angie said...

Heah if Mike broke his arm again it would put new meaning to March Break. What a great layout that would make. Tell him to do it!!!haha! Who's Mike?

Jill MacDonald said...

Try A Buck or Two...or Loonies and Toonies. I bought some at one of them for school. I will look here in Middleton for you.
