Friday, February 9, 2007

Here I am at work, supposed to be working. I will later. Maybe. Just a little update on Dianne. Her name is Abbie Daisy, she was 1/2 pound. Dianne is doing as well as can be expected. She is a strong woman and her two girls will help get her through. The kids and I are thinking we will start a memory garden in the spring. For Abbie, lots of daisies I think. I guess we have to take these moments as reminders to always take the time and be thankful and appreciative of all we have in our lives.


Angie said...

The memory garden is an awesome idea Josee, I am sure your sister in law will love it. You obviouly have a great heart and to pass that to your children is an amazing gift. Not enough children are taught compassion and it is truly a blessing to have a child who thinks of someone elses pain.

Anonymous said...

found your blog and the sad news.
I'm sure that your sister-in-law finds comfort in knowing that she has a deeply caring family.
My family will say a prayer for all of you. Feel what you need to feel, we all love you and are there if you need us.
G.M.S. from book club

Just Plain Happy said...

Just got back from our cabin. I had been wondering about Dianne and your family all weekend. The memory garden is a wonderful idea and something that will be important to Dianne and her family. They need to know that their daughter/ sister has not been forgotten.