Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tough loss for Valley AAA Spratans

What a tough weekend for hockey. Connor's team had their second round of the playoffs. Chester is a really strong team. We beat them once this year and they had beaten us 3 times. Last night we played in Kingston and they won in overtime 2-1. It was such a great game. We really outplayed them for most of the game but they got an ugly flukey goal to win. We had to go there today, and I think the ref was some one's Uncle cause he did not call anything on them. I think his name was "Uncle Homey" Now I know when you lose a game you always blame the ref's. But I'm telling you, the ref was terrible. But they also outplayed us and we lost. Connor played the best games this weekend he has played all season, and got lots of ice time. The reason the pictures are so blurry is because I was shaking the entire game.

Now, Angie don't feel bad about stamp camp, cause I didn't get invited either. (although, I was at hockey) The weather man is calling for snow overnight and tomorrow, luckily I know school will not be cancelled because in Kings County they only cancel school on nice days not stormy ones. So I might get some scapping done tomorrow. I want to make a birthday card for Shane.


Angie said...

I am sorry that Conner didn't win this weekend! Just chaulk it up to Character building. How old are the AAA's. How old is your son?

Josee said...

Angie, Connor is 10, he is first year Atom which is 10 and 11 year olds. Some of those boys are big, but mine is still little.

Just Plain Happy said...

Hey Josee,
Just catching up with my 'Blog Buddies'! I have been catching a little flack too about not posting- I am trying to get enough $$$'s to strap a laptop to the snowmobile! See you REAL soon at Book Club! and for the record-MY homework is NOT completed.