Tuesday, February 6, 2007

How cute is he!

So I figured out how to add some things to my blog. Thanks Angie for the counter. (if the counter does not go up, I will have to keep checking out my blog myself)

Had to work today, which means getting up at 5am to leave shortly after 6 when the roads are bad. It took almost an hour to get to Kentville. And it was freaking cold out!!! Kids were a little bummed out that they had school. Thankfully Connor's hockey practice in Digby tonight was cancelled. And believe me hockey does not get cancelled easily.

Well, I am going to go crawl in my polar fleece sheets with a new Nora Roberts book (pure trash) and get comfy.



Just Plain Happy said...

Okay, Josee. Do you see what I see? Look at Connor's picture and then at yours! OMG! You look so much alike! Enjoy your read!

Jill MacDonald said...

Hey Jo!
Love the pic of COnnor - he is going to be a heart breaker. I am glad you made it to work safely - you must be lovin' the 4WD!

Talk soon.

Angie said...

Your son is a hottie! I included you in the scrap day pic. That was before I read your blog. It really isn't a time for jokes but I hope you enjoy it anyway!